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Summer Bucket List: 25 Fun Activities & Things to Do !



The summer is a great time for fun and relaxation. It’s also the perfect opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, try new things, or just have some downtime with friends and family. However, it can be hard to find activities that are both relaxing and exciting at the same time. Here we’ve compiled our top picks for 25 fun activities you should add to your list this summer! These fun ideas will help you make memories that last forever.

Here are 25 activities that you can do this summer!

1. Go on an adventure in nature

Take a hike through the woods, go camping, visit a national park, or even take a canoe trip. You’ll be amazed at how much more relaxed you feel when you’re surrounded by natural beauty.

2. Get fit

Whether it’s going swimming, biking, running, hiking, dancing, yoga, tennis, golfing, rock climbing, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, horseback riding, kayaking, archery, fishing, or anything else, getting active can really boost your mood. Plus, being healthy makes you happier!

3. Try something new

If there are any hobbies you’ve always wanted to learn but never had enough free time to do so, now might be the best time to start. For example, if you love cooking, why not enroll in a class? Or maybe you want to learn how to play guitar — what better way than right now?!

4. Plant summer herbs

Growing fresh herbs from seeds is one of life’s simple pleasures. They taste amazing, they smell wonderful, and they look beautiful too. If you don’t already grow them yourself, consider buying plants online instead of purchasing seeds. This way, you won’t need to worry about germination rates or soil conditions. Just plant them where you like, water regularly, and enjoy their delicious aromas all season long.

5. Have a spa day

A relaxing massage on a summer day, facial, manicure/pedicure, hair treatment, waxing, etc., can all give you a sense of well-being. And who doesn’t need a little pampering every once in a while?

6. Volunteer

It may sound cliché, but volunteering has been proven to improve people’s lives overall. Not only does giving back change your perspective about helping others, but it gives you a feeling of satisfaction. So whether you choose to work with children, animals, seniors, veterans, homeless individuals, or anyone else in need, consider making a difference during the summer months.

7. Take care of yourself mentally

Whether it means taking a break from social media, spending less time watching TV, reading fewer books, listening to less music, or doing nothing, having downtime allows you to recharge your batteries and focus on other aspects of life.

8. Travel somewhere warm

I know we live in California, but sometimes it feels good to escape our home state for a while. If you don’t mind traveling, then pack your bags and head off to another part of the country where the weather is warmer.

9. Visit the art museum.

Museums offer countless opportunities to explore the history, art, science, technology, culture, and more. Some places allow visitors to touch objects, see demonstrations, ask questions, and participate in hands-on activities. Others provide lectures, films, concerts, performances, workshops, tours, exhibits, and special events. There truly isn’t one museum that fits everyone; however, most welcome guests of all ages and interests.

Art museums offer visitors a chance to see works of art they wouldn’t normally encounter outside their homes. They allow us to appreciate different cultures, customs, traditions, and lifestyles.

See also

10. Watch movies outdoors.

Nothing beats sitting outside under the stars as you enjoy a movie. Bring blankets, pillows, snacks, drinks, and whatever else you think you might need. Make sure to bring along your favorite pair of comfortable shoes.

11. Read a novel.

Reading provides hours upon hours of entertainment. From classics such as Pride and Prejudice, To Kill A Mockingbird, Wuthering Heights, Lord Of The Flies, Harry Potter, and The Hunger Games, to modern novels including Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, and Fifty Shades Darker, there are plenty of options available.

12. Play board games.

Board games are a lot of fun because they require strategy, teamwork, problem-solving skills, and creativity. They also encourage communication between players.

13. Go camping.

Camping offers an opportunity to get away from everything and just be by nature. You’ll have access to fresh air, sunshine, trees, lakes, rivers, mountains, oceans, wildlife, and much more. Plus, if you’re lucky enough to find a campsite near the water, you’ll have swimming pools at your disposal.

14. Learn how to play guitar.

Learning how to play any instrument will help you develop new talents and hone existing ones. Whether you want to learn classical, jazz, rock, blues, folk, pop, fingerstyle, metal shredding, or anything else, learning how to play something requires patience, practice, dedication, and perseverance. It takes years before you become proficient at playing any musical instrument. However, even after mastering basic techniques, you still have room to grow.

15. Start a blog.

Blogging is a great way to share thoughts, ideas, opinions, stories, photos, videos, recipes, crafts, jokes, quotes, poems, rants, reviews, and so forth. Blogs aren’t limited to certain topics either. People use them to talk about almost anything they feel passionate about.

16. Attend a concert.

Music makes us happy. Music helps us express ourselves through song lyrics, melodies, rhythms, instruments, vocals, and more. Concerts are a fantastic way to experience live performance.

17. Cook dinner together

Cooking with friends and family can be loads of fun. If you’ve never cooked for others, it’s a good idea to start small. Try making breakfast in bed, lunch on the patio, or snack time around the table. As long as you keep things simple, cooking together won’t take too long.

18. Make homemade ice cream

Making ice cream doesn’t involve complicated equipment or ingredients. All you need is some milk, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, flavoring extracts, food coloring, and salt. Homemade ice creams taste better than store-bought varieties.

19. Take a road trip

Road trips provide endless possibilities for adventure. Plan stops based on where you’d like to go and what activities you’d like to do. For example, if you plan to visit national parks, stop off at one first then continue onto another park once you reach your destination.

20. Have a picnic

Picnics are perfect ways to enjoy summertime food outdoors. Pack light lunches filled with sandwiches, salads, fruits, veggies, cookies, cakes, brownies, pastries, chips, dips, nuts, candy, drinks, wine, beer, sangria, juice boxes, fruit cups, ice cream treats, and other goodies.

21. Watch fireworks

Fireworks make people smile. Watching firework displays brings joy to everyone involved. They also create amazing memories. Make sure to pack some snacks and beverages along with sunscreen and bug spray.

22. Overcome a Fear

Fear isn’t always bad. Sometimes we fear because we think that doing something might hurt us. We may worry that we don’t know how to accomplish our goal. Or maybe we’re afraid of failing. Whatever the reason, overcoming fears allows us to achieve goals and live life to its fullest.

23. Watch the Sunset and Sunrise in One Day

Sunset and sunrise happen every day somewhere across the globe. You don’t have to travel far from home to see these beautiful events occur. Just find an open window facing west and sit back and observe nature come alive.

24. Play volleyball or Baseball game.

Volleyball and baseball games offer hours of entertainment. Find a local league that plays during the warm weather months. It will help you stay fit while having tons of fun.

25. Go swimming.

Swimming pools are always inviting places to hang out. Whether you prefer lap swimming, diving, floating, playing water sports, or just relaxing by yourself, there’s no shortage of options when it comes to enjoying poolside fun.



All in all, Family-Friendly Activities are great because they allow families to spend quality time together without spending money. These activities are free and cost nothing but your own personal time. So why not try them? What would you add to this Bucket List? Share your ideas below!








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